We are grateful for your courage and willingness to explore faith with us. Whether you are exploring our website or social media, already visited us in worship, participated in one of our ministries, or simply want to learn more about us, we recognize the courage it takes to reach out to people you may not know.
What a joy it is to introduce our church to you!
At New Beginnings Christian Church, our doors are open wide to people from all backgrounds. If you are looking to explore spiritual questions and work out your faith, then you’ll fit right in. We value journeying together, nurturing and supporting one another in questions of faith and life.
We are a welcoming, open and affirming, justice-seeking community of believers who strive to understand and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. This means offering God’s love in radical hospitality and working alongside others for equity and justice. At New Beginnings Christian Church, we understand our faith isn’t complete until it becomes action in the world.
“Come as you are” isn’t just a cliché here. Our faith community — and the denomination of which we are a part — values diversity in thought and practice. All really does mean All at God’s table.