We believe that faith is not complete until it is lived out in our actions.

Our faith finds its deepest truth as we work together to bring healing to a hurting world.

Justice With Our Neighbors

Our history confirms a deeply rooted commitment to justice for all people. Through community relationships, we seek to listen and understand where we can best partner with others to work for equity and justice. The prophets remind us of what is required of us: to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.

Anti-Racist & Pro-Reconciling

Our denomination strives to be pro-reconciling and anti-racist by heeding God’s call to practice faithfulness to eliminate racism, which not only exists in our society but also in all manifestations of the church. We seek to listen to people from racial and ethnic communities, learn from their wisdom, and follow their leadership. In this way and through the power of God’s Spirit, we will strive to be the Church God calls us to be.

Open & Affirming/LGBTQ Inclusive

In 2013, we made an official commitment to be a church actively seeking to open and affirm persons of all gender identities and sexual orientations to the table of Christ’s communion and into the full life and leadership of the church. We believe strongly in the belovedness and inherent worth of all persons.

Creation Care

NBCC is committed to making our building and grounds as eco-friendly as possible, promoting best practices for reducing pollution, and advocating for environmental justice. We are a Green Chalice church and partner with other churches in our work to make our community a healthy and sustainable community.

Watch this video for a few simple suggestions that can make a big difference.

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View these handouts for more tips:

Study & Action

We understand God’s call to work for equity and justice is an integral part of our faith. Our spiritual practices and study nurture our understanding of what God’s vision of justice looks like. Our experience in mission and advocacy requires study, dialogue, and action.

We work to unpack, unlearn, and change our biases through:

  • Community conversations
  • Book and other discussions
  • Sermons and the prophetic word
  • Teaching our children the anti-racist values we learn from Jesus’ teachings
  • Working to support leadership in the Black community, organizers, and activists through advocacy
  • Events to learn from others
  • Advocacy with government leaders
  • Participation in community events

We offer support and care for daily living through:

  • Short-term community projects
  • Partnering with local organizations

New Beginnings Christian Church in action.