We are a community founded in the principles of God’s unbiased love and never-ending grace. We are an open and affirming, justice-seeking community of faith. We strive to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God every day.
Values at the core of who we are
We are a community founded in the principles of God’s unbiased love and never-ending grace.
Radically Welcoming
Everyone is welcome. Everyone. Radically welcoming certainly includes but is not just about hospitality. It is also about building relationships, being intentional in decisions and actions, making space for and sharing power with those who are marginalized, and being faithful to God’s call of inclusion. We continuously practice being radically welcoming and to live this out each day in our church and in God’s world. #AllMeansAllOpen & Affirming
As an open and affirming community, we know all God’s children — though differing in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance, or theological perspective — are part of God’s good creation and must be nurtured and supported in living out their authentic selves.Called to Serve
We believe our faith community is called by God to serve — both inside and outside the walls of our building. We understand ourselves as a part of a bigger whole, and seek to support the needs of those around us by building relationships with our neighbors and community partners. We work to practice our faith every day of our lives, wherever we find ourselves.Faithfully Questioning
We are committed to studying the Bible and other faithful resources to understand and strengthen our faith. Questions and engaging in dialogue are as important as the answers. We also know scripture is meant to be read with recognition of the cultural context of its time. In addition, our own experiences affect the way we hear and understand the scriptural text. One thing is for sure — the Bible is never meant to demean or dehumanize anyone. Ever.Courageous Conversations
Faith is not a simple concept and rarely provides simple answers. In many ways, faith gives us more questions than answers. We strive for thoughtful conversations where listening to understand is more important than making a point. We embrace learning, welcome new perspectives, and encourage questions around faith and life.New Beginnings
Throughout our lives, we begin anew time and again when we open ourselves to new information, perspectives, and experiences. Every person and every community needs a new beginning, a fresh start, at different points in life. We believe in leaning into new beginnings with open arms, minds, and hearts because we should never be done learning and growing.Our Church, Past and Present
At New Beginnings Christian Church, we wholeheartedly believe that faith isn’t limited to, or defined by, a physical church. Faith isn’t a building. It is primarily about being in community. These became more than just words — and were put into practice — when in 2020 we moved from our past location, changed our name, and transitioned to our new neighborhood. At the forefront of all our decisions has been the consistency and strength of our faith and God’s call for our community.We remain dedicated to a call to action, working proactively towards radical welcome and justice. New Beginnings is a voice for justice, supporting leaders in the area, listening to others, being thankful for growing through our missteps, and recognizing we are never done learning.
Our community had a long and important history at the corner of 25th & University in Des Moines before making the intentional decision to move to Urbandale in 2020. From our beginnings in 1888 with Drake University and through a myriad of changes and mergers over the decades, we have focused on sharing God’s message of love and grace, and strived to create God’s vision of equity and justice for all in God’s world.
Our Denomination
New Beginnings is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. It was founded in the early 19th century and arose from a desire to move beyond the rigid divisions of denominations.When the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is at our best, we practice “Bold Humility.” We humbly recognize that no one person or organization can contain the entire truth of God. We seek unity and fellowship with Christians from diverse backgrounds and theological perspectives. And we celebrate the work of the Spirit of God known when people of all faith traditions journey together toward mutual wholeness. As a community, New Beginnings Christian Church practices a strong, benevolent faith, proclaiming and participating in Jesus’ good news of love and justice.
For further information on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) beliefs and practices, please visit Disciples.org.