We are a joyful and loving community, actively seeking justice with each of God’s creations.

We are a compassionate and welcoming community following the way of Jesus, as we…

  • offer God’s love in radical hospitality and meaningful worship
  • work alongside one another as an open and affirming, justice seeking community
  • encourage and explore questions of faith and life

Worship In-Person and Online

Worship with us on Sundays at 10:30 am
Adult Learning Hour on Sundays at 9:15 am
8631 Hickman Road, Urbandale, Iowa

Join us online for worship on Facebook or YouTube

As a faith community, we are focused on fostering connections with our community and those around us. We would love to have you join us for worship on Sunday mornings!


Worship is “the work of the people.” Bringing together our fullest selves in a communal act of Love and Justice. Your voice matters as we read together, sing together, laugh, learn, and love together! Worshiping together in Love builds our capacity to do as Jesus asks: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and seek justice.


Faith is a journey together with God and with neighbor. Through intergenerational experiences as well as age- and interest-specific groups, we seek to nurture wholeness in one another. Education classes for all ages meet weekly. A variety of interest groups meet monthly and outings and retreats are scheduled throughout the year.


We remember that Jesus came bringing healing and hope. We challenge one another to live out God’s call for justice for all people; including those who experience deprivation, oppression, or prejudice, and victims of war, natural disasters, and adversities. We encourage Jesus-like service of neighbors both near and far.